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Winter Park Trip Application 2017
Reservations will only be accepted for currently paid members
Submit this form completely filled out and your deposit (payable to Battle Creek Ski Club) to:
Steve Terranella, 1616 Academy St., Kalamazoo, MI 49006
Please complete one form per billing group. (family, couple, group etc)
Please print your E-mail address clearly. All communication is done via e-mail!
Ages are required for Amtrak ticketing. Do not leave them or anything else blank.
contact phone: _________________________________
e-mail(required): ____________________________________
complete address_____________________________________________________________________
Age as of trip dates:
Name: ____________________________________ Age:________________
Spouse: __________________________________ Age:________________
Child: ____________________________________ Age:________________
Child: ____________________________________ Age:________________
Child: ____________________________________ Age:________________
Child: ____________________________________ Age:________________
Condo Preference
Anything OK & help me find condo mates
Condo mate preference ____________________________ _____________________________
I want a Sleeper Car (economy) YES (add $680) cost: ________
Names of those in sleeper (2 max.)_____________________________________
Locker: $ TBD 12/15 Estimate $70 NO ______ Yes _________#________locker(s) cost: ________
No Deductions
no lift: ____________________________ -$170 adult cost: ________
no rail:____________________________ -$410 adult cost: _________
Total cost: _______
Club Dues were paid which month ______ (must be after 5/15)
______(initial) Have read fine print: payment schedue, cancellation, condo notes on trip flyer - fine print: payment schedule, cancellation, condo notes on trip flyer.
Notes/Special Instructions: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9/8 ______/ CK #______ 12/9 ______/ CK #______
1/12 ______/ CK #______ 2/9 ______/ CK #______